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スウェーデンの驚異的なマルチ・リード奏者、マッツ・グスタフソンがバリトンのみで挑んだ意欲作品! その音の破壊力、音圧、テクニックは他の追随を許しません。
驚異的なタンギング・テクニックがこれでもかというほど炸裂する1曲目、4曲目。アルバート・アイラーがその曲に感化されて「ゴースト」を作曲したというスウェーデン民謡を圧倒的なパワーで吹ききる2曲目、彼の娘のとても美しい3曲目、5曲目、破壊的なエンディングの6曲目、 大友良英の曲に独自の解釈を加えた7曲目、ポスト音響系・ヴォイスとサックスの8曲目、国王に捧げた、アルバムの締めにふさわしい曲調の9曲目。是非聴いてみてください。楽しいよ!
Catapult of solitudes...
reflections and directions,
considerations...illusions...moments of minds.
FIRE and Joy !
Music and playing is living it!!!
............. ( Mats Gustafsson )
Amazing his blowing technic is in "Memory of a specific Silence" and "Catapult". "Torparvisa", composed by Gunde Johansson inspired Albert Ayler to write "Ghosts" while living in Stockholm back in 1962. Mats plays very beautiful overtones in this tune. His daughter composed very beautiful tunes, are "The Light" and "The Nut". "It is, Remember" has a destractive Rockin' ending. In Otomo's masterpiece "Flutter", Mats add his own interpretation. etc... His first only bariton sax solo work! KILLIN' CD!!
マッツ・グスタフソン Mats Gustafsson (bs)
1. Memory of a specific Silence - to Paul Auster (M.Gustafsson) 4'22""
2. Torparvisa (Gunde Johansson) / Angels (Albert Ayler) 7'32""
3. The Light (Alva Melin ) 4'48""
4. Catapult of Solitudes - to Paul Auster (M.Gustafsson) 5'48""
5. The Nut (Alva Melin ) 5'27""
6. It is. Remember - To Lars Gullin (M.Gustafsson) 6'19""
7. Flutter (Otomo Yoshihide) 6'43""
8. Chance Illusions - to Paul Auster (M.Gustafsson) 6'23""
9. Kungssangen (trad. arr Mats Gustafsson) 5'16""
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¥2,420 tax included
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and a way of settlement is only PayPal. we will let you know our Paypal account on e-mail.