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GATES OF HELL:アメリカ軍は、特に経済的に貧しい地域の10代の若者を対象にしてリクルート活動を展開している。BREMER WALLS:バグダッドに建設された爆撃をのがれるための防壁。元イラク駐留大使ポール・ブレマーにちなんで名付けられた。AGENT ORANGE:ベトナム戦争終結から30年後の今も枯れ葉剤による障害は消えていない。OIL&WATER:原油をめぐっての戦争の次は水資源をめぐっての争いが予期されているという。CRAVE:侵略、殺害をしてまで欲しいものを手にいれたいという人類の貪欲さはどこからくるのか? ENEMY WITHIN:敵を想定すれば、いつかは自分自身が敵となりうるという矛盾。COPPER GREEN:イラクでの拷問を認可する米国防省による秘密コード。CURTAINS OF GRIEF:ニューヨーク、カブール、バグダッド、マドリッドそしてロンドン。悲壮な顔を見ることが日常的。AGENT ORANGE 2:枯れ葉剤を開発したビルを訪れた。マンハッタン・プロジェクトも同じビルで開発されたという。HOPE AGAINST HOPE:望みは少ないが希望を託すという意味。OKINAWA:第二次世界大戦から60年後も日米両政府から冷遇されている沖縄への賛歌。
(加藤英樹 2005年8月20日ブルックリン、NYCにて。)
Kato Hideki(bass, violin) formed a new group last year with his friend, Otomo Yoshihide(guitar) and Uemura Mashiro(drums). They were the member of early "Ground-Zero", Otomo's rock group. Green Zone is completely Kato's composition and arrangement and its sound is so heavy.
Back in the fall of 2001, I couldn't keep my eyes off of a pair of pictures from the New York Times: one was the World Trade Center site after the 9/11 attacks, and the other was a satellite picture of Kabul, a few days before the US raid. Both looked like surfaces of petrified planets and were disturbingly similar.
Several months later, I found myself on a near-empty flight from NYC to Tokyo, my first return to Japan since I emigrated in 1992. Soon after my feet touched the ground, I heard that the US had started bombing Iraq. (And the day I returned to NYC, the US administration proclaimed the end of the war.)
Rather than making a statement based on what I already knew and being "gung ho" about it , I started to research and collect stories about what was really going on in Iraq and beyond; then I came up with music for each title. I see this as a documentary film without pictures.
I returned to Japan in 2004 and was joined by my old colleagues Otomo and Uemura. Together we have a strong, unique voice, like a pack. We can howl together like "El Lobos."
I hope the music will unfold the stories as you listen. I hope too that you will keep your eyes and ears open to new stories. What you find may be gut-wrenching or depressing but sometimes darkness can help you find a way--a personal revolution or even a social progression--like Caravaggio's paintings or Johnny Cash's hymns can.
Kato Hideki August 20, 2005 Brooklyn, NYC
加藤英樹 Hideki Kato(b, violin)
大友良英 Otomo Yoshihide(g)
植村昌弘 Masahiro Uemura(ds)
1. Gates of Hell (1:43)
2. Bremer Walls (7:43)
3. Agent Orange (2:05)
4. Oil & Water (1:53)
5. Crave (6:01)
6. Enemy Within (6:03)
7. Copper Green (3:19)
8. Curtains of Grief (10:12)
9. Agent Orange 2 (8:59)
10. Hope Against Hope (1:18)
11. Okinawa (4:00)
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