ONJO / アウト・トゥ・ランチ / Out To Lunch
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ONJO第2弾はエリック・ドルフィー『アウト・トゥ・ランチ』の全曲カヴァー! 60年代ブルーノートの名盤が現代的解釈を施されて美しく、激しく蘇生する!
ONJO's 2nd works is the covers of famous Eric Dolphy's "Out To Lunch"! Otomo's post-modern interpretation of Dolphy's compositions by Orchestra is very beautiful and intensive. "Gazzelloni" is translated to hardcore punk version, or "Straight Up And Down ~ Will Be Back" is translated to improvisation that is swift to respond each other and most beautiful onkyo sound. This is the marvels of "jazz"!
大友良英 Otomo Yoshihide (guitar, conduct on 4),
アクセル・ドゥナー Axel Doerner (trumpet, slide trumpet),
青木タイセイ Aoki Taisei (trombone, bamboo flute),
津上研太 Tsugami Kenta (alto sax, soprano sax),
大蔵雅彦 Okura Masahiko (alto sax & tubes on 1, 3, 5),
アルフレッド・ハルト Alfred Harth (tenor sax, bass-clarinet, trumpet, misc),
マッツ・グスタフソン Mats Gustafsson (baritone sax),
石川高 Ishikawa Ko (sho on 2, 4, 5),
サチコM Sachiko M (sinewaves, contact mic) ,
中村としまる Nakamura Toshimaru (no-imput mixing board on 5),
宇波拓 Unami Taku (computer on 1, 5),
高良久美子 Takara Kumiko (vibraphone),
コール・フラー Cor Fuhler (piano, inside piano),
水谷浩章 Mizutani Hiroaki (bass),
芳垣安洋 Yoshigaki Yasuhiro (drums, percussion, trumpet)
1. Hat And Beard (6:08)
2. Something Sweet, Something Tender (9:20)
3. Gazzelloni (4:17)
4. Out To Lunch (9:38)
5. Straight Up And Down 〜 Will Be Back (27:45)
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¥2,420 tax included
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