

今井和雄トリオ / ブラッド / Kazuo Imai Trio / Blood

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ノイズまみれの狭間から鳴るギター、もしくはギターにまとわりつくノイズ。本来の意味でのノイズは、ギターなのか、それともエレクトロニクスとオプトロンの騒音なのか? ノイズの概念とは? 音楽の中のノイズとは? 世界に問いを投げかける問題作。音(CD)と映像(DVD)で衝撃の登場!
高柳昌行私塾の最初にして最後、唯一の卒業生であり、むしろ海外での評価が高い今井和雄が2005年に結成したノイズ(?)・トリオ。元々は美術家であり、「伝説の」Off Siteのオーナーでもあった伊東篤宏は、進揚一郎(drums)とのユニット=オプトラムでバリバリに光りまくり中、もとい、活躍中。鈴木學はエレクトロニクスの技術者であり、先鋭的なミュージシャンの各種楽器、エフェクターなどを制作。近年は自作のエレクトロニクスで演奏の機会も増えている。

This trio was formed by Imai Kazuo (guitar), Suzuki Manabu (handmade electronics), and Ito Atsuhiro (optron) in July, 2005. I'm using a controllable instrument along with uncontrollable electronic sound devices that may make the music somewhat difficult to remain stable, yet its context of where I am now is the one that is similar to jazz. ーImai Kazuo, from linernotes
Imai Kazuo is the one and only graduate of Takayanagi Masayuki's private guitar school. He played with Kosugi Takehisa's "Taj Mahal Travellers" or Takayanagi's "New Direction", and what's more, he played with Lee Konitz, Arther Doyle, Irene Schweizer, Barre Phillips, and so on. He also organize "Marginal Consort" and "Imai Kazuo Trio" recently.
Ito Atsuhiro plays optron. He use a handmade fluorescent light as a instrument. He named it "optron". Optron strike the intense noise. He control it as feedback noise or low frequency. He was also a owner of the legendary art space called Off-Site. Off-Site familiarized "Onkyo" music as Otomo Yoshihide, Sachiko-M, Sugimoto Taku, Nakamura Toshimaru, and so on.
Suzuki Manabu is actually a engineer of electronic instrument for artists but recently he plays his own handmade electronics. His handmade instrument is very interesting and exciting. The sound is strange and hypnotic, not any old noise, it's his style. He collaborate with various artist, musician and dancer.

今井和雄 Imai Kazuo(guitar)
伊東篤宏 Ito Atsuhiro(optron)
鈴木學 Suzuki Manabu(electronics)

disc 1 (CD)
1. Cartoon (Annette Peacock)
2. Nothing Ever Was, Anyway (A. Peacock)
3. Blood (2nd take / A. Peacock)
4. Sarabande (Johann Sebastian Bach)
5. Subconscious-Lee (Lee Konitz)
6. So In Love (Cole Porter)
7. Well You Needn't (Thelonious Monk)
8. Il n'y a pas d'amour heuereux (Georges Brassens)
9. Albert's Love Theme (A. Peacock)

disc 2 (DVD - NTSC / Region All)
1. Butterflies That I Feel Inside Me (A. Peacock)
2. Paroxysm (Imai kazuo)
3. AW-1 (K.Imai)
4. Il n'y a pas d'amour heuereux (Georges Brassens)
5. KK-1 (K. Imai)
6. Blood (1st take / A. Peacock)
7. Extra Movie



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