

坂田明 / 平家物語 / Akira Sakata / The Tale of Heike

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doubtmusic史上、もっとも不穏な一大コンセプト・アルバム、坂田明の朗読と演奏による『平家物語』。諸行無常の哲学と地獄絵図の沙汰。狂おしい木管の音色と鈴(りん)の静寂。ある時は声明(しょうみょう)を、ある時はデス声や唸りを、そしてまたある時は阿鼻叫喚を変幻自在に繰り出す朗読とヴォイス。本気なのか冗談なのか、いずれにせよオシャレなジャズバーとかカフェでは絶対にかからないであろうヘヴィーでドゥームな歴史的大絵巻アルバム! お子様には聴かせないで下さい。トラウマになるかもしれません。ライナーノートはJOJO広重(非常階段)。

An epic concept album narrated and performed by Akira Sakata, Heike Monogatari ("Tale of the Heike") is the most disturbing entry so far in the doubtmusic catalogue. This work is an expression of the philosophy of impermanence. It's also a vision of Hell. Woodwinds signify madness. Bells accentuate silence. And Sakata's voice unleashes a phantasmagoric torrent of shomyo (Japanese Tantric Buddhist chanting), death metal growls, and pure pandemonium. Is he serious? Or not? One thing is certain: This heavy, doom-laden, historical-picture-scroll of an album isn't likely to get any play at a fashionable jazz bar or cafe! DO NOT let children listen to this CD - it may cause serious trauma. Featuring liner notes by Jojo Hiroshige (Hijokaidan).

This is the kind of album Osaka natives might describe as do-aho ("totally insane"). Super do-aho. Do-aho to the max. Play it loud and children will shriek, monkeys will dance, mice will run, horses will whinny, cows will drool, lions will roar, dragons will rage, and the sky will split and the earth will crack and the seas will burn, and every listener's soul will be shaken, and musicians all over the world will experience agonizing jealousy. It's an incredible masterpiece that will make you cry a river of tears. The hidden Great Demon of classical Japanese art has been unleashed. Oh, how I waited so long for a work like this. Anarchy!!!
Hirofumi Tanaka (novelist)

坂田明 Akira Sakata : reading, voices, alto sax, clarinet, bass-clarinet, percussion, bells

1. 祇園精舎 Gion Shoja (9:00)
2. 入道逝去 The Death of Kiyomori (6:54)
3. 六道之沙汰 The Matter of the Six Paths (5:21)
4. 坂落 The Assault from the Cliff (10:56)
5. 敦盛最期 The Death of Atsumori (12:02)
6. 木曾最期 The Death of Kiso (3:20)
7. 壇ノ浦合戦(先帝身投)The Battle at Dan-no-ura (The Drowning of the Former Emperor) (9:19)


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